Identifying market and customer potentials.

Exact position determination


Ants simultaneously use several methods for orientation in their environment. They are capable of determining the position of the sun and the point of the compass. They can detect routes they used before through traces of scent. Additionally, they calculate the distance covered in order to find the shortest way back to the nest after long journeys in bleak terrain.

How should one identify the route to your customer?
Where does your company stand in comparison to the competition?

antz21 Services: Analysis

antz21 knows the correct questions to ask and adapts market and target group analyses to your requirements.
This way you get decision-relevant information straight away.


Analysis of:

  • Market
  • Customer structure/target groups
  • Product
  • Price


antz21 Market Analysis

By analyzing your competition and your potential, we perform a segmentation of the market you are operating in, and determine the current positioning of your company within that market. Based on each individual address and the specific information on a customer, we provide market analysis that is reliable and to the point.

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Customer Structure / Target groups

antz21 Customer Structure / Target Groups Analysis

We analyze the purchase and user behaviour of your customers by supplementing your address database with individual characteristics, as well as the data derived from customized surveys. We determine the probability of customers complaining or switching to competitors as well as the potential for cross and up selling. Based on years of experience, we provide you with precise information about the typical behaviour of your customers. You can confidently approach existing customers more specifically and determine new target groups.

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antz21 Product Analysis

We identify products that are not profitable, and provide test scenarios to assess the potential for product extensions. Your customers' needs and the current sales climate provide valuable input in defining your future product strategy. Our innovative product analyses provide you with a solid foundation for successfully deciding on your long-term product management.

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antz21 Price Analysis

We analyze your current and future pricing models and determine reliable minimum and maximum prices. Through conductions of test scenarios, you receive valid results to further develop your pricing strategy. Our years of experience in analysis, marketing and sales make it possible to deliver a comprehensive assessment of this critical issue reliably and without delay.

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Breaking News:

26.01.09 14:01

Kunden begeistern mit Ihrem täglichen Schriftverkehr

Haben Sie schon Ihre Korrespondenz als höchst effizientes Marketinginstrument fü...

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